一、 联合培养对象
二、 联合培养人数:10人
三、 在英联合培养时间:一年(2014年9月—2015年7月)
四、 入学要求
五、 获得学位
学生需获得我校所属专业导师同意,按规定办理有关手续,在两校毕业时达到阿伯丁大学和华南师范大学课程和毕业等相关要求,将分别获得华南师范大学所属专业硕士学位和阿伯丁大学硕士学位(the Degree of Master of Education in Teaching and Learning for Enterprise and Employability)。
六、 修读课程
七、 费用(具体费用或因汇率浮动而有所变动,请以当年阿伯丁大学招生宣传注明费用为准)
项目 国际生费用 华师学生费用 备注
学费 9715英镑(一年) 7773英镑(一年) 华师学生学费在国际生基础上减免20%
住宿费 约110英镑(一周) 不同住宿地点住宿费有所不同。
Brief Programme Description
Programme Title
Master of Education (MEd) in Teaching and Learning for Enterprise and Employability
Final Award:
Master of Education (MEd) Degree
Awarding Institution:
University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
Teaching Institution:
The School of Education, the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
The MEd in Teaching and Learning for Enterprise and Employability is initially designed for students already studying at Masters level at South China Normal University (SCNU) in Guangzhou, PR of China. The MEd in Teaching and Learning for Enterprise and Employability (UoA) aims to:
provide students with an opportunity to explore key global and national educational themes and developments
facilitate the exploration of the characteristics of enterprising learners, creating enterprising learning experiences and the practices of enterprising teaching
enable students to undertake an in-depth study of selected aspects of education for employability, enterprise and entrepreneurship (see Programme Structure, course 4, below).
develop students’ knowledge and experience of research methods and approaches
enable and support students to plan and carry out a research or evidence-based project on a selected aspect of employability, enterprise and entrepreneurship education and write a dissertation.
Upon completion of this degree Programme, students will have had the opportunity to:
develop their own capabilities as enterprising learners
learn about enterprising approaches to learning and teaching in a number of settings
study and reflect upon the concept of globalization and its relevance to education and their own professional practice
reflect critically on key ideas and concepts and advance their own thinking on how to develop enterprising learners, promote entrepreneurship and support employability education initiatives
consider the educational, economic, social and political rationale that underpins developments in enterprise, entrepreneurship, and employability education
develop their knowledge of the aims, purposes, epistemology, methods and methodologies of research in education
successfully undertake educational research in a selected area.
Programme Structure
Course No Course Title Credit Points and level Rationale
1(a) English Language in an Academic Context Not award bearing To help students improve and develop their written and spoken English.
1(b) Effective Post Graduate Study 15
PG 5
SCQF 11 To assist students to think about their study goals, planning, develop their writing skills and use the University’s research facilities.
2 Education and the Global Society 15
PG 5
SCQF 11 Provides students with an opportunity to explore key global and national educational themes and developments.
3 Enhanced Practice in Learning and Teaching 30
PG 5
SCQF 11 Explores the theory and practice of contemporary learning and teaching and how these relate to developing enterprising learners, creating enterprising learning experiences and the practices of enterprising teaching.
4 Education for Employability, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship 30
PG 5
SCQF 11 Offers choices for in depth study of current programmes, projects and initiatives underway in the field of employability education, enterprise education, school/college and employer partnerships, entrepreneurship education and careers education.
5 Professional Inquiry 30
PG 5
SCQF 11 Develops students’ knowledge, understanding and experience of research methods and approaches
6 Project/Dissertation 60
PG 5
SCQF 11 Supports students plan and carry out a research-based project and write a dissertation.
Course Credits
1(a) English Language in an Academic Context 0
1(b) Effective Post Graduate Study 15
2. Education and the Global Society 15
3. Enhanced Practice in Learning and Teaching 30
4. Professional Inquiry 30
5. Education for Employability, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship 30
6. Project/Dissertation 60
Award Requirements:
Normal pre-requisites:
a) An honours undergraduate degree (normally 2.2 classification or better)
b) Students must meet the following language requirements
IELTS - Listening 5.5; Reading 5.5; Speaking 5.5; Writing: 6.0 Overall 6.0
TOEFL: Listening 17; Reading 18; Speaking 20; Writing: 21 Overall 87
PTE Academic (see http://pearsonpte.com/pteacademic/Pages/home.aspx)
Listening 51; Reading 51; Speaking 51; Writing: 54 Overall 54
Should they not meet these scores they could come to Aberdeen early and attend (and pass) a language summer school. For information on this and the language requirements please see
Applicants must also meet the requirements of the UK Border Agency.
The programme will be assessed through course assignments (details on page 5)
Course Assignment Word count Brief Description of Assignment
1(a) English Language in an Academic Context N/A N/A
1 (b) Effective Post Graduate Study 3 000 The assignment will require participants to review and reflect upon two global educational issues, priorities or approaches of their choice, each from the perspective or stance taken in two different countries and to discuss critically opportunities and challenges these issues raise in their own practice settings. Assessment will be criteria-based.
2. Education and the Global Society 3 000 The assignment will require participants to review and reflect upon two global educational issues, priorities or approaches of their choice, each from the perspective or stance taken in two different countries and to discuss critically opportunities and challenges these issues raise in their own practice settings. Assessment will be criteria-based.
3. Enhanced Practice in Learning and Teaching 6 000 The assignment will require participants to
- critically analyse and discuss the characteristics of enterprising learners and teachers
- critically discuss factors and issues involved in developing enterprising learning and teaching
- illustrate and exemplify practice associated with enterprising learning and teaching from either one primary school stage or one secondary school subject.
- reflect upon and evaluate their own capacities as an enterprising learner and teacher and the challenges and opportunities that exist in their professional context.
4. Professional Inquiry 6 000 The summative assessment will report upon the small scale research project which was planned, designed and implemented. This will include reference to literature on research approaches, methods and methodology.
5. Education for Employability, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship 6 000 Part 1 (3 000 words): Participants will write a report in which they explore the development of employability skills and dispositions in learners with reference to literature, research and contemporary practice.
Part 2 (3 000 words): Participants will write a report which is a critical, research-based analysis of the key theme or topic study in part 2 of the course. The report will also include descriptive and reflective writing about the learning experiences undertaken and the successful learning achieved by the participant.
6. Project/Dissertation 15 000 –
18 000 The summative assessment is presented as a formal dissertation or work-based project report. Assessment will be criteria-based.
Web links
University of Aberdeen www.abdn.ac.uk
School of Education http://www.abdn.ac.uk/education
University recruitment and admissions service www.abdn.ac.uk/sras
International Students information www.abdn.ac.uk/international
Student accommodation www.abdn.ac.uk/accommodation
English language requirements www.abdn.ac.uk/languagecentre
UK immigration information www.ukvisas.gov.uk
Programme contacts
David McMurtry
Programme Director d.c.mcmurtry@abdn.ac.uk
Support Team Contact tlee@abdn.ac.uk