A Letter to SCNU International Students
To all the international students of South China Normal University,
Happy New Year!
With the COVID-19 pandemic still hanging over the world, another special and busy semester is coming to an end.The year 2021 arrived just in time.
At the present, the pandemic is still spreading around the world.Many people are suffering from this disease; their work, life and study are affected, some more, some less.
On this occasion , we need to call your attention to the following:
1. 2021年学校寒假时间为2021年1月25日-2月28日。2月26日为注册日,3月1日正式上课。
The winter break of academic year 2020/2021 starts on January 25, 2021, and ends on February 28, 2021. Students register on February 26, 2021 for the spring semester. The new semester starts on March 1, 2021.
2. 目前在境外的同学,未接到学校正式通知之前不入境、不返校。学校将持续关注国际疫情形势和中国出入境政策的变化,及时通知符合条件的同学返校。请同学们留意所在学院相关通知。
International students presently living outside the Chinese mainland should not return to the campus or enter the Chinese mainland without approval from the university. The university will continue to pay close attention to the latest international pandemic situation and the updates of the Chinese immigration authority. SCNU will ensure that you receive the most up-to-date information so you can return to the campus as soon as possible; please stay in close contact with your school/department.
3. 目前在境内的同学,应按照学校安排分批离校。因特殊原因留校的同学,须获得学校批准,并在留校期间遵守学校的防疫规定。离校后的同学,未获通知前不得返校;确有返校需要的,应提前向学院申请。
International students presently living in the Chinese mainland should leave the campus in accordance with the arrangements of SCNU. Those who need to stay on campus during the winter break must get approval from the university and abide by the rules of the pandemic prevention. Students who have left the campus are not allowed to return until officially informed. Before returning to the university, students should apply to their schools/departments and get approval.
4. 2021年春季学期的教学安排,学校将根据疫情的变化情况及时作出调整并通知到每一位同学,请同学们关注院系通知,与此同时做好线上或线下学习的准备。
Regarding the teaching schedule of the spring semester, students will be informed of any adjustment as soon as possible. It is also recommended that you stay in close and regular contact with your school/department to get the most up-to-date information of our teaching schedule and course arrangements so as to be prepared for any online/offline teaching.
5. 寒假期间请同学们坚持健康的生活习惯,如做好防护措施,佩戴口罩,勤洗手,保持个人卫生,室内多通风等。如有发热、干咳等症状时,请立即向学校、社区、相关部门报告,采取居家观察或隔离措施。学校防疫工作小组、社区工作人员或附近定点就诊医院将联系你,若有必要将转移隔离治疗。
During the winter break, students should stay alert, and keep protecting yourselves by wearing face masks outdoors, keeping ventilation indoors, washing hands properly and frequently, and maintaining good personal hygiene.
If you have symptoms such as a fever or dry cough, you must take the actions below immediately:
(1) Contact the university or your tutors immediately when you are on campus.
(2) If you are off campus, contact any responsible body in your community and obey relevant regulations of the community.
(3) Conduct self-quarantine at home. A member of a crisis team from the university, or the community, or the nearest hospital capable of dealing with COVID-19 suspected cases will contact you. You may be transferred to an assigned medical shelter if necessary.
6. 在中国境内居住的同学,请尽量避免城市间流动,非必要不出校、不出广东省、不前往中高风险地区、不聚集。如计划离开目前居住地或者前往其他城市,请务必提前联系辅导员老师并按要求报批。
Students currently staying in the mainland of China should avoid unnecessary inter-city or inter-province travelling, gathering or going to crowded places. Do not go to any places listed as medium-risk or high-risk regions. If you want to leave your current residence, you must contact your student counselor in advance to get approval. Leaving Guangzhou without approval from the university is unacceptable, and you will be responsible for any possible consequences.
7. 请同学们与院系辅导员和学校保持有效的沟通。
Students should keep in contact with your student counselor and your school/department.
We wish everyone a Happy New Year, good health, a happy family and best wishes !
Hope the pandemic will be over soon and all of us are looking forward to a reunion in SCNU.
Office of International Exchange and Cooperation
South China Normal University
January 20, 2021